Do not you hate that kind of people that always need to feel feminine to be a woman? Or maybe those girls that are so self-centered and boasters, anyway I really can’t stand them. The bad thing about them is that they are everywhere, they are like taxis, whenever you need them you never got to see one, but when you don’t, hundreds of them pass by in front of you. Back to the subject, a few weeks ago I was in the supermarket, when I found one of them, she looked the most superficial one could barely imagine, wearing her 15 high heel shoes, her fur coat, her highly arranged hair, and a wallet that seemed straight out of a fashion magazine. She was complaining to the manager because the store clerk asked if her coat was real or not, I mean, who can argue with someone about that?, and the administrator apologized with her for the indiscretion of the store clerk. In movies they say the bad guys will never get their way, but in real life, blond, cute, and nice girls always do, anything they crave, they always obtain it.